Lystloc vs TrackerPal

Lystloc > Comparison > Lystloc vs TrackerPal

Published Date: October 19, 2021

Lystloc vs TrackerPal

Lystloc vs. TrackerPal: A Comparison

“There’s plenty of fish in the sea” – This phrase is quite popular, nah, especially in the context of relationships. 

This is equally applicable in the business relationship too. Think of it, your organization has gone through trial and error for incorporating multiple tools to track your employees, but no one is as effective as that has to be.

Therefore, you’ll eventually lose resources as you don’t get what you want. This reason is enough to keep you here to find an alternative to TrackerPal.

Although TrackerPal (aka OntheGo) tends to solve field sales/service-related challenges, having a dedicated data-driven interface that gives you an effective insight into on-field operations will hold a good command over your on-field tasks and productivity.

And, that’s the reason why you should consider Lystloc before eyeing out other products in the market.

Why do we say so? Below, we have added a detailed product comparison to support our statement. Why don’t you give yourself a read as Lystloc can be your cup of tea?

Basic Product Comparison: Lystloc vs TrackerPal

Criteria Specification Lystloc TrackerPal
Annual Pricing Plan₹349/user/month (Enterprise module)Custom Pricing (Enterprise module)
Free Trial Plan7-days free trial14-days free trial
Bulk User Sign UPYesNA
API IntegrationYesNA
External Software IntegrationYesNA
Web Dashboard AvailabilityYesYes
Android & iOs Phone AvailabilityYesYes
Free Email, Chat & Phone SupportYesYes
Sending MOM via emails YesNA
Data & Live Report ManagementYesYes
Import & Export DataYesYes
Image & File UploadYesYes
Video UploadYesNA
Dashboard Role & PermissionYesNA
Prompt Alert & NotificationsYesYes
Track PageYesYes
Edit Meeting NotesYesNA
User Type FiltersYesNA
Watermark in Photo UploadYesNA
Customer Visit Verification with OTP YesNA
Battery Power DisplayYesNA
Network Status DisplayYesNA
Prevent Multi-Device LoginYesNA
Auto LogoutYesNA

A feature-based comparison between Lystloc And TrackerPal

Attendance Management

App Features SpecificationLystlocTrackerPal
Fingerprint Attendance AuthenticationYesNa
Multiple Attendance SessionYesNa
Geo-fencing AttendanceYesYes
Individual Web LoginYesNa
Check-in ApprovalYesNa
Multiple Check-in & Check-outYesNa

Task Management

App Features SpecificationLystlocTrackerPal
Task Create/Edit/AssignYesYes
Location Based TasksYesNa
Assign Task to Multiple UsersYesNa
Lead Based Task ModelingYesNa
Update Task StatusYesNa
Bulk Task UploadsYesNa

Location Tracking

App Features SpecificationLystlocTrackerPal
Live Location TrackingYesYes
Tracking Map AvailabilityYesYes
Monitoring Covered DistanceYesYes
AI Route CurationYesNa
Route PlanningYesYes
Travel Time OptimizationYesyes
Play And Pause RoutesYesNa
Distance Traveled CalculatorYesNa
Location Hierarchy/Territory managementYesNa

Geo-Fence Facility

App Features SpecificationLystlocTrackerPal
Geo-restriction for CheckoutYesNa
Branch Location based Attendance Geo-restrictionYesNa
Hierarchy-based Attendance Geo-restrictionYesNa

Offline Management

App Features SpecificationLystlocTrackerPal
Offline TrackingYesNa
Meeting NotesYesNa
Waiting Time CalculationYesNa

Reminders & Notifications

App Features SpecificationLystlocTrackerPal
Task ReminderYesYes
Attendance ReminderYesNa
Check-in & Check-out NotificationYesNa
Waiting Time NotificationYesNa
Working Hours NotificationYesNa
GPS On & Off NotificationYesNa
Hierarchy-based Geo-restriction NotificationYesNa
Fake Location NotificationYesNa

Customization & Facility

App Features SpecificationLystlocTrackerPal
Company SettingsYesNa
User SettingsYesYes
Notification SettingsYesNa
Map StyleYesNa
Task FieldsYesNa
Customizable Form FieldsYesNa
Copy Activity’s Location CoordinatesYesNa
Button Name for Login, Log Out & Check-in, Check-outYesNa

Data & Report Management

App Features SpecificationLystlocTrackerpal
Live Report TrackingYesYes
API Report ManagingYesNa
Multiple Reporting StructureYesNa
Auto-fill Customer Details with Business Card ReaderYesNa
Customer Profile ManagementYesYes
Enter Product StockYesYes
Customer URL RedirectingYesNa
Data RetentionYesNa

Travel Expense & Reimbursement Management

App Features SpecificationLystlocTrackerPal
Expense/Reimbursement SubmissionYesYes
Bulk Expense/Reimbursement Approval and RejectionYesYes
Expense/Reimbursement Status UpdateYesNa
Fuel Allowance/Reimbursement Limit SetupYesNa
Automate Fuel Allowance CalculationYesNa

Why is Lystloc a Better Alternative to TrackerPal?

Automation made possible

Lystloc has various automation enablements that imply the importance of tracking field employees’ productivity and further boost it well in a greater notch.

Through the location data collected from various location touchpoints, Lystloc automates operations including fuel reimbursement insights. 

Features like auto-logout and geo-fence-based check-out reminders add great value to organizations in being more efficient in terms of resource utilization.

Dedicated sales reporting

With its unique and dedicated field sales reporting module, with Lystloc, it is much easier to manage leads and tasks easily without getting to shift tabs and applications. Lystloc acts as a single-roof solution that covers almost every possible challenge that a field sales employee faces when they are on their go.

Adding a location-based sales entity to the picture of field employee management eases every sales professional from getting burned out from manual workload. Lystloc lets you add tasks and process them on a loop every single day. And, organizations with more than one branch can process multi-location management through Lystloc.

Salespeople can also take the liberty to create their own tasks based on the situation, so, it is not a necessity to rely on the sales manager to receive task updates.

Not a micromanaging medium

Even though features like speed tracking and call log tracking might be of great help in a few instances, it doesn’t really add a pleasant experience to the salesperson. Often, it creates a delusion of micromanagement that puts salespeople under constant pressure.

Lystloc is a medium as one of the best sales management software that paves the way for both sales managers and salespeople to work in an environment that provides a seamless work experience both in terms of the interface and the support.

Simplifies on-field operations

One can’t refuse the fact that Lystloc simplifies the on-field operations of their field workforce by enabling the organization to be more productive.  One such feature that reduces the burden of manual operations is Lystloc’s Business Card Reader feature.

With this feature, the required contact details and data of the customer can be collected by simply scanning their Business card into Lystloc’s interface. Lystloc scans for the details in their business card and automatically fills the appropriate fields with the relevant information.

And the managers also can ensure that the employees are at the right place with 100% honesty by initiating the OTP authorization on every customer visit.

Precise location intelligence

With Lystloc’s Artificial Intelligence, it is possible toliminate the random location points that may take longer time to timely reach leads’ destinations or get puzzled in a zigzag saw. Rather, with Lystloc’s AI route curation, planning routes beforehand and route optimization has become more reliable. 

Moreover, managers can see the real-time location coordinates and know if anyone takes longer routes willingly or tries to misguide with fake location data. Thus, it’s helpful to travel expense management and reduces the extra burden of unnecessary cost of reimbursement claims.

For a free trial, click here: Sign up with Lystloc to try out its exclusive features, and check out Lystloc’s pricing module designed for your business’ cost-effective growth to subscribe further.

Disclaimer: We do not take any ownership of the organization names, brand names, or feature names used and mentioned in this blog. They belong to their respective owners.

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