Lystloc vs Flocksales

Lystloc > Comparison > Lystloc vs Flocksales

Published Date: April 23, 2021

Lystloc vs Flocksales

Lystloc vs Flocksales

Are you looking for a better alternative for flocksales?

Then this comprehension is definitely for you. You can give it a trusted trial on Lystloc– one of the best real-time location intelligence applications and a great replacement to Flocksales at many points.

To make it simpler and easier for you, here is a quick and abbreviated narrative of attribute differentiation of the two top-rated employee tracking apps for your on-field team; Lystloc vs flocksales.

Note: For your kind information, in recent times Taskcare app has infused rebranding. The rebranded version name is Flocksales. Taskcare Alias Flocksales!

Why Lystloc is a Better Replacement to flocksales?

Lystloc is a location intelligence and data analytics SaaS app providing solutions for managing those employees who are working on-field. Lystloc helps managers in tracking location-based information, on-location attendance, work management, analyzing data, etc.

Lystloc is developed based on cutting-edge technologies in order to incorporate features like speed, scalability, security, and cost-friendly. Lystloc is a one-stop solution for all your field sales and on-field employee location tracking and management problems.

Speedy & Reliable: Lystloc fulfills the needs and expectations of every client it serves. Being accessible when needed. Response within the time frame needed. Be updated or modified as needed. The app runs fastly without slowing at any point of time.

User Friendly: No complex working functionality and have a greater app design, and clean presentation.

Efficiency: The time and effort can be saved which helps in optimizing the use of resources which leads to increased productivity and improves profits.

App Security: Built with highly secure systems and architecture modules. Specifically, fingerprint authentication is highly reliable and secure. Lystloc is of particular utility to organizations where security is a primary concern.

Accuracy: Ensures accurate time records and minimizes the unavoidable and costly errors with manual data entry.

New Feature Updates: Generally, we make updates to our existing features and specifications and also introduce new ones more frequently. These new feature releases and updates are with regards to our customer demands and need that they share with us as a request or suggestion.

In order to choose the best app, it is important to check if the app has all the above-mentioned attributes to it. And know what? Lystloc provides you with all these described characteristics and attributes.

For a Free Trial, you can Click Here: Sign up with Lystloc and go through a detailed view of this application to further subscribe with us within a Budget-friendly Pricing Module.

Lystloc vs flocksales – A criteria synopsis

Criteria Specification Lystloc flocksales
Annual Pricing Plan₹349/user/monthCustom pricing
Free Trial Plan7-days free trial14 -days free trial
Bulk User Sign UPYesYes
API IntegrationYesNA
External Software IntegrationYesNA
Web Dashboard AvailabilityYesYes
Android & iOs Phone AvailabilityYesYes
Free Chat SupportYesYes
Free Email & Phone SupportYesYes
Sending MOM via emails YesNA
Data & Live Report ManagementYesYes
Import & Export DataYesYes
Image & File UploadYesYes
Video UploadYesNA
Dashboard Role & PermissionYesYes
Prompt Alert & NotificationsYesYes
Track PageYesYes
Edit Meeting NotesYesNA
User Type FiltersYesNA
Watermark in Photo UploadYesNA
Customer Visit Verification with OTP YesNA
Battery Power DisplayYesNA
Network Status DisplayYesNA
Prevent Multi-Device LoginYesNA
Auto LogoutYesNA

Feature Comparison – An Overall Glancing Grid!

In the below tabular, is the cut-shortened list of all the important and distinct features that are needed in a perfect field employee tracking app. And, also compared the specifications between Lystloc and flocksales for better choice decision-making.

Attendance Management

App Features SpecificationLystlocflocksales
Fingerprint Attendance AuthenticationYesNa
Multiple Attendance SessionYesNa
Geo-fencing AttendanceYesYes
Individual Web LoginYesNa
Check-in ApprovalYesYes
Multiple Check-in & Check-outYesYes

Task Management

App Features SpecificationLystlocflocksales
Task Create/Edit/AssignYesYes
Location Based TasksYesYes
Assign Task to Multiple UsersYesNa
Lead Based Task ModelingYesYes
Update Task StatusYesNa
Bulk Task UploadsYesNa

Location Tracking

App Features SpecificationLystlocflocksales
Live Location TrackingYesYes
Tracking Map AvailabilityYesYes
Monitoring Covered DistanceYesNa
AI Route CurationYesna
Route PlanningYesYes
Travel Time OptimizationYesyes
Play And Pause RoutesYesNa
Distance Traveled CalculatorYesYes
Location Hierarchy/Territory managementYesYes

Geo-Fence Facility

App Features SpecificationLystlocflocksales
Geo-restriction for CheckoutYesNa
Branch Location based Attendance Geo-restrictionYesNa
Hierarchy-based Attendance Geo-restrictionYesNa

Offline Management

App Features SpecificationLystlocflocksales
Offline TrackingYesYes
Meeting NotesYesYes
Waiting Time CalculationYesNa

Reminders & Notifications

App Features SpecificationLystlocflocksales
Task ReminderYesYes
Attendance ReminderYesYes
Check-in & Check-out NotificationYesNa
Waiting Time NotificationYesNa
Working Hours NotificationYesNa
GPS On & Off NotificationYesNa
Hierarchy-based Geo-restriction NotificationYesNa
Fake Location NotificationYesNa

Customization & Facility

App Features SpecificationLystlocflocksales
Company SettingsYesNa
User SettingsYesNa
Notification SettingsYesNa
Map StyleYesNa
Task FieldsYesNa
Customizable Form FieldsYesYes
Copy Activity’s Location CoordinatesYesNa
Button Name for Login, Log Out & Check-in, Check-outYesNa

Data & Report Management

App Features SpecificationLystlocflocksales
Live Report TrackingYesYes
API Report ManagingYesNa
Multiple Reporting StructureYesNa
Auto-fill Customer Details with Business Card ReaderYesNa
Customer Profile ManagementYesYes
Enter Product StockYesYes
Customer URL RedirectingYesNa
Data RetentionYesNa

Travel Expense & Reimbursement Management

App Features SpecificationLystlocflocksales
Expense/Reimbursement SubmissionYesYes
Bulk Expense/Reimbursement Approval and RejectionYesYes
Expense/Reimbursement Status UpdateYesNa
Fuel Allowance/Reimbursement Limit SetupYesNa
Automate Fuel Allowance CalculationYesNa

Disclaimer: We do not take any ownership of the organization names, brand names, or feature names used and mentioned in this blog. They belong to their respective owners.

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